PMH Outdoors Where your Paddling and Yoga Journey Begins!
Starting Pranayama Welcome to Pat's Starting
Pranayama postings! These are a series of 5 to 10 minute classes to start you off on your Pranayama (breathing exercises) journey! Please do these classes in order - they are designed to progressively develop your breathing capacity. These Pranayama classes are presented in order. Practice each session several times (daily, several times a day or several time in a week) before moving on to the next one. Please listen to your body when you participate in any of these breathing sessions. You may need to go slower or faster than the cues indicate. Stop immediately if anything is painful. By participating in these PMH Outdoors online Pranayama classes I agree to these Terms . I hope that you enjoy these classes. May they help you develop your breathing capacity and/or bring a sense of calmness to your mind and life! Namaste, Pat Hawkins Intro to Pranayama Starting Pranayama
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